Guang'an color steel plate

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Enterprise Name: Guang'an Zhuyuan Steel Structure Co., Ltd

Contact person: Manager Zhang

Tel: 0826-2710118


Mobile phone: 18682679100


Fax: 0826-2710118


Address: No. 9 Xinsheng Road, Qianfeng District, Guang'an City

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  • [ Color Steel Tile Information ] How to effectively clean and maintain Guang'an colored steel tiles

    Nowadays, many factories are built with Guang'an colored steel tiles in order to control costs, shorten construction periods, and reduce maintenance costs in the later stages. In fact, many of the maintenance aspects of the color steel tiles in the later stage are not well understood, and I don't know how to maintain and clean them. Below, I will share with you. 1. Remove the original protruding part and seal it with silicone adhesive, ensuring that the board joints are neat and the construction surface is dry
    Release time: April 18, 2019 Number of clicks: 75

  • [ Color Steel Tile Information ] How to effectively clean and maintain Guang'an colored steel tiles

    Nowadays, many factories are built with Guang'an colored steel tiles in order to control costs, shorten construction periods, and reduce maintenance costs in the later stages. In fact, many of the maintenance aspects of the color steel tiles in the later stage are not well understood, and I don't know how to maintain and clean them. Below, I will share with you. 1. Remove the original protruding part and seal it with silicone adhesive, ensuring that the board joints are neat and the construction surface is dry
    Release time: April 30, 2021 Hits: 117

  • [ Color Steel Tile Information ] Key points for construction of Guang'an colored steel tile roof

    When constructing the colored steel tile roof, we must follow certain requirements to ensure the smooth completion of the construction. Some matters that we must understand during the operation are as follows: 1. Due to the large slope of the roof and the large number of ridges, during the construction process, the roof ridge beams, eaves, dormer windows, and sinks (points)
    Published on October 15, 2020 Hits: 81

  • [ Color Steel Tile Information ] Guang'an Color Steel Tile Manufacturer Solves Its Pre Installation Engineering

    Before installing colored steel tiles, we must be familiar with the process of the project, the amount of materials used, construction drawings, tools used, and other conditions. Therefore, as a professional manufacturer of colored steel tiles, we must be familiar with the project before installation: formula for calculating the amount: 1. Two sided sloping roof diagram: Explanation of two sided sloping roof diagram: 1. Roof area: length × Width.
    Release time: January 8, 2021 Hits: 68

  • [ Frequently Asked Questions ] What is the difference between Guang'an colored steel tile and resin tile/

    What is the difference between colored steel tiles and resin tiles? Below, the Jiaxin Sandwich Tile Business Department in Guang'an District, Guang'an City will learn about the performance characteristics of colored steel tiles and take a look at the characteristics of resin tiles. Guang'an colored steel tiles are very beautiful: Guang'an colored steel tiles have clear lines in dozens of colors. Convenient installation of colored steel tiles: The colored steel tile activity room has a light weight and is spliced
    Release time: April 10th, 2019 Number of clicks: 101

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